3A group

Country: Egypt

Company Name: 3A group

Commodity: Poultry , Oil , Corn oil , tea , Feed , Protein , Gluten , fructose , vegetables

Location: Egypt

Phone No.: 00201101986904

Contact: Ms. Basant Ali / Head of Export and Business Development Department

(3A Group) is a leading Egyptian group of companies specialized in producing a range of products as follows:

  • Pyramids Poultry Company, specialized in producing fresh poultry, vegetables, tea, and fodder, website: www.pyramidpoultry.com 
  • - Cairo 3A Company, specialized in fresh poultry and fodder, website: www.cairothreea.com
  • - National Company for Corn Products, which produces (glucose-gluten-fructose), website: www.ncmp.com.eg 

Notes: For more information about the Company , please contact the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt Tel: 0096265929738 Email: amman@ecs.gov.jo

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