issuing recommendation letter

The Service of Issuing the Recommendation Letter 



First: The Amman Chamber of Commerce issues letters of recommendation to any individual, organization and/or company in Arabic and English, provided that the establishment has paid its annual subscription fees with the Chamber.

 Second: Anyone who is not registered with the Chamber, or as the owner of an individual institution, a partner in a company, or as an establishment that is not registered with the Chamber, can obtain a letter of recommendation from the Chamber so that this letter issued by the Chamber indicates that there is no registration for him and/or the establishment in the Chamber's records.

 Third: Anyone who has been registered with the Chamber as the owner of an individual organization and/or as a partner in any company and/or establishment and the organiztion/company has not renewed its annual subscription with the Chamber, or has had its commercial registration duly removed from: (Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supply, and Amman Chamber of Commerce) can obtain a letter of recommendation from the Chamber so that this letter issued by the Chamber indicates the period of his registration/employment and/or cancellation of his registration with the Chamber.

 Required Documents:

Submit an application form for a letter of recommendation or a written request signed by the authorized person/persons authorized to sign administratively on behalf of the organization or company.

 Procedures for obtaining the service:

 1-   Get the number from the automated parking system.

2-   Provide the required documents.

3-   Enter the service into the computer system.

4-   Pay the service fee.

5-   Receive the recommendation letter stamped with the official seal of the Chamber.

 Location where the Service is Provided:

-         The Membership Section of the Chamber's Member Services Department.

  •         The Chamber's Office at the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supply.
  • Prescribed Fees:

1- The capital of the company/organization is five thousand dinars or more: The fee is four dinars.

2- The capital of the company/organization is less than five thousand dinars: The fee is two dinars.

3- Individuals or [an unregistered person, establishment, partner in an establishment that is not registered with the Chamber, or a member with an inactive file (the Chamber's annual subscription fee has not been paid when requesting the service), or with a deleted file]: The fee is four dinars.