Registration of Commercial Companies and Individual Establishment



Amman Chamber of Commerce registers the various types of individual establishments and commercial companies that undertake to their business activities within the area of Greater Amman Municipality and other municipalities within the Governorate of Capital as per the Temporary Chambers of Commerce Law No. (70) of the Year 2003 and the Chambers of Commerce Bylaw No. (45) of the Year 2009.  

Documents Required for Registration with the Chamber:  

First: Individual Establishments:

The applicant shall provide the following documents to the Chamber along with the filled registration form:

(1)               Commercial Registration Certificate issued by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supplies; if the provision thereof is difficult, the competent officer of the Chamber may obtain an updated electronic copy from the website of the Central Commercial Registry.

(2)               Trade Name Certificate issued by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supplies (if available), if the provision thereof is difficult, the competent officer of the Chamber may extract an updated electronic copy from the website of the Central Commercial Registry.

(3)               Lease contract or title deed, and a copy of the occupancy permit and/or zoning site plan or any other document that proves that the location is in an zone planned as commercial.

(4)               The valid personal identity card issued by the Civil Status Department for the authorized signatory if Jordanian, (if not Jordanian, a proof of identity, i.e. a valid passport).

(5)               Signature of the person authorized to sign on behalf of the establishment in administrative matters, on the registration form and the form of identifying the business sector.

Second: General Partnerships, Limited Partnerships, and Limited Partnerships in Shares

The applicant shall provide the following documents to the Chamber along with the filled registration form:

(1)               Certificate of Registration with the Companies Controller issued by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supplies.

(2)               Trade Name Certificate issued by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supplies (if available), if the provision thereof is difficult, the competent officer of the Chamber may extract an updated electronic copy from the website of the Central Commercial Registry.

(3)               Lease contract or title deed, and a copy of the occupancy permit and/or zoning site plan or any other document that proves that the location is in an zone planned as commercial.

(4)               The valid personal identity card issued by the Civil Status Department for the authorized signatory if Jordanian, (if not Jordanian, a proof of identity, i.e. a valid passport).

(5)               Signature of the person(s) authorized to sign on behalf of the company in administrative matters, on the registration form and the form of identifying the business sector. 

Third: Public and Private Shareholding Companies, Limited Liability Companies, and Exempt Companies

The applicant shall provide the following documents to the Chamber along with the filled registration form:

(1)               Certificate of Registration with the Companies Controller issued by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supplies.

(2)               Trade Name Certificate issued by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supplies (if available), if the provision thereof is difficult, the competent officer of the Chamber may extract an updated electronic copy from the website of the Central Commercial Registry.

(3)               Lease contract or title deed, and a copy of the occupancy permit and/or zoning site plan or any other document that proves that the location is in an zone planned as commercial.

(4)               The valid personal identity card issued by the Civil Status Department for the authorized signatory if Jordanian, (if not Jordanian, a proof of identity, i.e. a valid passport).

(5)               The document proving the capital, shareholders’ names, shareholders’ shares and the authorized signatories (to whom it may concern certificate) issued by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Supplies.

(6)               A copy of the Articles of Association and the Memorandum of Association of the Company, rectified by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Supplies.

(7)               Signature of the person(s) authorized to sign on behalf of the company in administrative matters, on the registration form and the form of identifying the business sector.

Forth: Foreign Companies Operating in the Kingdom

The applicant shall provide the following documents to the Chamber along with the filled registration form:

(1)               Certificate of Registration with the Companies Controller issued by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supplies for foreign companies operating in the Kingdom.

(2)               Lease contract or title deed, and a copy of the occupancy permit and/or zoning site plan or any other document that proves that the location is in an zone planned as commercial.

(3)               The valid personal identity card issued by the Civil Status Department for the authorized signatory if Jordanian, (if not Jordanian, a proof of identity, i.e. a valid passport).

(4)               Signature of the person(s) authorized to sign on behalf of the company in administrative matters (the representative(s) of the company in Jordan, on the registration form and the form of identifying the business sector. 

Fifth: Other Types of Companies:

[Not for profit, civil companies, holding companies, joint Arab Company, etc.] shall be subject to the requirements applicable to the establishments and companies equivalent thereof as provided in First, Second and Third above.

Sixth: Other Establishments and Companies Registered with:

Free zones, Aqaba Special Economic Zone, development zones, Jordanian- Syrian Free Trade Zone, and other official entities competent to register establishments and companies that wish to set out an administrative/ liaison office to manage the affairs of the establishment or the company in the Governorate of Capital:

(1)   Shall be subject to the requirements applicable to the establishments and companies equivalent thereof as provided in First, Second, Third, Forth and Fifth above.

(2)   Shall provide a letter from such official authorities that are competent to issue registration certificates for establishments and companies registered therewith, which shall provide that such authority does not object to opening the administrative/ liaison office in Amman or within the Governorate of Capital.


Seventh: Foreign Companies Not Operating in the Kingdom (Regional Offices):

The applicant shall provide the following documents to the Chamber along with the filled registration form:

(1)               Certificate of Registration with the Companies Controller issued by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supplies for non-operating foreign companies in the Kingdom.

(2)               Lease contract or title deed, and a copy of the occupancy permit and/or zoning site plan or any other document that proves that the location is in a zone planned as commercial.

(3)               The valid personal identity card issued by the Civil Status Department for the authorized signatory if Jordanian, (if not Jordanian, a proof of identity, i.e. a valid passport).

(4)               Signature of the person(s) authorized to sign on behalf of the company in administrative matters (the representative(s) of the company in Jordan, on the registration form.

(5)               Fees: A Four Dinars recommendation letter fee, which shall be collected upon registration for the first time. Upon requesting any services after registration with the Chamber (additional copy, in lieu of a lost one, true copy (provided that the original is exhibited), opening and/or closing of branch(es), amending registration data, amending the address (location) after submitting an application for amendment or a written letter signed by the authorized signatory (the company representative in Jordan), along with the documents required for the sought amendment (e.g. lease contract to add branch(es), commercial registry to amend the company’s data, etc.).

Instructions for the Registration of Commercial Companies and Individual Establishments with the Chamber:

·         The person authorized to sign on behalf of the company or the establishment shall appear before the Chamber in person, if unable to so appear, the registration form and the form for determining the business sector may be obtained from the Chamber and be signed by the authorised signatory, and the signature shall then be rectified by the bank with which the same deals within Jordan, or the signature may be verified by comparison with files pertaining to other companies/establishments kept with the Chamber if the same person is an authorized signatory thereof.

·         General and special powers of attorney are accepted for registration of establishments/ companies of various types for the person authorised under  the power of attorney to sign on behalf of the owner of the establishment or the authorised signatory of the company in administrative matters and as provided in the power of attorney, provided that the original power of attorney notarised by the notary public and other official authorities competent to rectify general and special powers of attorney is provided (or alternatively a certified copy rectified by the authorities competent with rectification of general and special powers of attorney), also provided that an original proof of identity for the person authorised to sign as per the power of attorney is presented.

·         Powers of attorney given to lawyers are accepted for the registration of establishments and/or companies with the Chamber for the first time only and for singing on behalf of the person authorized to sign on behalf of the establishment/ company in administrative matters, provided that the power of attorney shall contain any of the following sentences: “authorization for registration with Amman Chamber of Commerce, official entities and/or semi official entities”. The lawyer shall exhibit the original power of attorney, a valid personal identification card issued by the Civil Status Department, and a valid identity card issued by the Jordanian Bar Association upon submitting the application for registration with the Chamber pursuant to a lawyer’s power of attorney.

·         Name of the lessee in the lease contract or name of the owner of the real estate property: in case a title deed is submitted instead of a lease contract, the name(s) therein shall be identical to the names of the owners or the name(s) of the owners of the individual establishment/ the owners of the company or the company itself as provided in the commercial registry, identical to the trade name of the individual establishment or the company (if any), or identical to the trade name of the individual establishments. In case a title deed is submitted instead of the lease contract, it shall be stated clearly on the deed that the location of the shop is in a commercial and/ or industrial zone (i.e. not residential), otherwise the applicant shall provide a copy of the occupancy permit and/or zoning site plan or any other document that proves that the location is in an zone planned as commercial by clearly stating that the zone is a commercial and/ or industrial zone (i.e. not residential). Owners of establishments or companies doing business from home, that are licensable by Greater Amman Municipality or municipalities of the Governorate of Capital within residential zones as per the applicable instructions shall be exempt from this requirement. In case a part of the name or the names of the shareholders in the lease contract or the title deed is different from that provided in the documents submitted to the Chamber as mentioned above, the person authorized to sign on behalf of the company or establishment in administrative matters shall provide a letter (a written undertaking), which shall refer to the difference in the respective part/name, and in which Amman Chamber of Commerce shall be discharged from any liability resulting from such difference in the name(s) provided in the lease contract or the title deed from the names provided in the documents submitted to the Chamber (commercial registry, trade name, etc.) upon application for registration with the Chamber.

Process for receiving the service:

1.      Getting the que number from the electronic queuing system.

2.      Providing the required documents.

3.      Entering the data of the application to the computerized system

4.      Payment of the membership fees.

5.      Receiving the certificate of membership at Amman Chamber of Commerce.

Place in which the service is available:

-          Membership section/ Members Services Department at the Chamber.

-          The office of the Chamber at the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supplies,

-          The office of the Chamber at the Ministry of Investment. 

Prescribed fees:

Registration and subscription fees: Fees for registration and subscription with the Chamber are as per Articles (26) and (27) of the Chambers of Commerce Bylaw No. (45) of the Year 2009 and as follows:


Capital of the Establishment/ Company

Annual Subscription Fee

Subscription and Registration Fee (for the first time)

Category One

Ten Million Dinars and more



Category Two

Five Million Dinars to Ten Million Dinars



Category Three

Two Million Dinars to Five Million Dinars



Category Four

One Million Dinars to Two Million Dinars



Category Five

Five Hundred Thousand Dinars to One Million Dinars



Category Six

One Hundred Thousand Dinars to Five Hundred Thousand Dinars



Category Seven

Fifty Thousand Dinars to One Hundred Thousand Dinars



Category Eight

Five Thousand Dinars to Fifty Thousand Dinars



Category Nine

Less than Five Hundred Dinars